Stockport College Talk

Stockport College University Centre Talk


My graphics class was given a presentation from Lucy, the Graphic Art & Design tutor for Arts in Stockport, Manchester Metro Uni.

First thing, she spoke too fast, but she was very informative and knew a lot about the courses. She had a lot of information about the university too but she gave it out too quickly. She started with showing some of the students work- it was very interesting, creative and professional.

The first point made, was the size of the classes- 240 students in London for example compared to 30 in Stockport. Having a smaller class/year is much more beneficial because, you get more attention. You feel more important. In Stockport University they have three studios, which Lucy emphasized, this helps the production of work- to be a lot more.

Graphic Design and Illustration seemed to be what Lucy talked about most. I found that most students from Stockport left after they had graduated, and went straight into the industry. Some of these jobs came from opportunities in Stockport. One of the projects Lucy talked about was, the Growing Together Project. The opportunity to go out and experience real situations, and get a project out of it.

The Motion Design course was inspirational- a growing industry. This interested me a lot because I love stop motion pictures. We watched a short documentary that showed many different styles that interested me and opened my eyes to different courses I could take.

After that, Lucy talked about the illustration courses, she admitted she didn’t know much about it but she did give a lot of interesting facts and information about the course. This course is something I would look into. Manchester is not far from home, the accommodation is good, the prices are good too but I still have to compromise and compare to other universities.

All together it was a good talk. 

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