Moving Image

Moving image. That’s the brief – To create a moving image. And I did.

I created a video using Photoshop Timeline. It was quite fun, although I was I had more time to finish it to what I wanted and to go through it thoroughly to change any little mistakes to make it perfect. 

I love history so I decided to do ‘The History OF’… but what?

Hmmm let me be a little geeky here. THE ALPHABET. Of course, who would not what to know where our Alphabet came from?

Researching this was one of the best parts, learning, finding new facts, appreciating what smart people have done centuries ago. Some named Philosophers because nobody else knew how or why they learnt and created the things they did. 

All in all this project was one of the best. I’ve realized I work better under pressure, and individually, because at the end I want to say 

“I did this. I made this. And I’m proud”

Which I was a little proud of my video. Though it hasn’t got a great voice over (cringe) it is my first Moving Image I alone, thought up and created. 

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